
Find Your Irish Ancestors
The desire to belong is a powerful human emotion.  “To know who you are, you have to have a place to come from”, a phrase attributed to Carson McCullers, author of The Heart is a Lonely Hunter embodies this beautifully. Tracing family roots back through many generations opens a panorama on the past and as a consequence helps to identify our unique and authentic core identity.

Learning about a family’s past; who they were, where they came from, their achievements and the trials and tribulations they overcame can help a person form a deeper understanding of their own sense of self. The present has been shaped by the past and the deeds of our ancestors has brought us to where we are today.  Knowing and sharing this history with future generations will undoubtedly reap many rewards

Working closely with an experienced genealogist, tracing your ancestors can be achieved with relatively minor biographical details. The potential of DNA matching, combined with the digitisation of historical maps and land surveys has created possibilites unheard of as recently as a decade ago. This means in essence that it is now possible to stand in the footprint of an ancestral home, even if all physical traces no longer exist.

To occupy the space once inhabited by our forebears even for a brief moment will prove to be an exhilarating and liberating experience. What could be a more wonderful way to ground a person’s life within a scope of time and place encompassing two centuries or more. We look forward to embarking and travelling on this epic journey with you.

Contact us to find out more about our genealogy service.